day we walk down streets with fascinating street names. Where did these
street names come from? It is easy to forget that many of these names originally
belonged to people who rocked their world or events that may have
changed the face of history...right in your own neighborhood!
From the Streets is a telecollaborative learning project for
classrooms around the world. Join the students of Master's
Academy and College in Calgary, Alberta, Canada as they explore the
streets names around the place where they live and go to school. Each
class will share the stories behind the streets in their neighborhoods.
This project will unleash the powerful stories of men and women and events that
shaped the part of the world where you live.
Sign up by emailing the project coordinator, Brenda
Registered classes will select local street names, research the history
behind ecah street name and create a web page to house their information.
Participants should submit their final student work entries to project coordinator,
Brenda Dyck, by June 9, 2003.
Student work will be linked to the Stories From the Streets project