Sources and Links

Hanlon, Michael E. DOUGHBOY CENTER The Story of the American Expeditionary Forces. [Internet] [March 17. 2003]

Duffy, Michael. Wednesday March 20. 2002. Battle: The battle of Guise, 1914 [Internet] [March 17.2003]

GREAT WAR LOCATIONS. [Internet] {March 17. 2003]

  A tunnel on the St. Quentin Cannel 

         ( A tunnel where the German reserves were kept)

The Story of the Fourth Army in the Battles of the Hundred Days: Aug. 8 - Nov. 11 1918

Hodder and Stoughton London (no date was stated)

Canadian Battle Series: Breaking the Hidenburg Line , 1986, Balmuir Book Publishing Ltd.

302-150 Wellington Street, Ottawa,Canda