Introduction | Internet Activities | Conclusion | Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
The purpose of this Tour Guide is to introduce you to the Crimean War, how it contributed to the Age of Bismarck and challenge you to consider why this war is worth studying even after more than 150 years. Is there anything in there for you to bring back to your 2005 world?
Each of the activities asks you to locate information about the Crimean War, using a variety of online resources.
Take time to , and the resources on this page and think about why it could be relevant for you to study this time in history. Several resources in this web page will lead you to examine the role that foreign correspondents have in accurately communicating the stories of war to readers at home and will reveal how these stories have sometimes been misrepresented to us in the name of nationalism. Philosopher, Morris R. Cohen tells us that "The facts of history do not change" and that "What happens cannot unhappen". If this is so, what political prejudices and personal motivations might get in the way of delivering an authentic portrayal of history? Find out how political prejudices and personal motivations can muddy the facts and because of this, how important it is to think critically about what you read.
It is not necessary for you to read everything within the resources below. Check the questions and look for the information needed to answer the questions. Having said that, don't stop reading as soon as you find an answer. Reading further may help you answer with more clarity.
While exploring this sampler on the Crimean War, we hope you've had fun, learned, and been challenged to view news stories with a more critical eye.
Mr. B. Kinnie Last revised Tue May 3 11:38:38 US/Pacific 2005 |