Join us as we,
dream bigger,
build together.

What music means to me.

Dream Bigger

Sam G.

Grade 10

Music means happiness, it means joy. It’s beautiful, and it’s really the essence of life. It brings joy beyond compare.

Dream Bigger 1

Hope Serate

Academy Music Teacher

Music means the world to me. Music is what anchors me to my humanness. I believe that every person in this world can communicate through music – it doesn’t matter what language they speak.


Dream Bigger 2

Victoria Simpson

College Music Teacher

Music is life. Music is what I do for a profession. [It] is how I enjoy my free time. Music fills space, [it] is how I worship. It’s not just one thing, it’s part of my entire life and part of everything I do.

Dream Bigger 3

Daniel C.

Grade 10

Music is like a language, everyone can understand it, everyone can learn it, and once you do you can enjoy it so much more.

Dream Bigger 4

Cheri Peters

Academy Music Teacher

Music is a language for emotion. It allows us to express how we feel without speaking.


Check out our round table discussion with Master’s students.

Dream Bigger 5

You are the key to their success.

This year’s Annual Fund is directed towards the Dream Bigger project.

By donating to the Annual Fund, you can directly help create an inspiring music program at Master’s that will impact students and faculty now and for years to come!

The Dream Bigger project introduces a major music room upgrade for the Academy, and equipment upgrade for the College including a new baby grand piano.

We are asking that the project be 100% donor supported. Every dollar counts. And all donations are tax receipted

P.S. Donations of $500 will give the donor the opportunity to inscribe a “music note” with a name/message of their choosing. The music notes will be hung in the renovated Academy music room as part of an art installation.

By donating today, you give the gift of music.

And it’s not how much you give, but that you give.

Prospective Parent Information Night - Nov 26, 2024