Sr. High

Grades 10-12
Focus on post-secondary preparation and the development of students as Imaginal leaders.

"I think we need to be training people on how to change the world."

Larry Page
CEO, Alphabet



Becoming Imaginal


Becoming Imaginal Leaders

Our world today has been profoundly shaped by Imaginal Leaders who saw a different future, the likes of Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey, Mahatma Ghandi, Queen Victoria, Henry Ford, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King Jr., Marie Curie, Albert Einstein, and Elon Musk to name a few. These are examples of Imaginal Leaders who saw a different future, who stepped out of their comfort zones and created obsolescence in their world.


Graduate Profile

Students graduating from Master’s College will be able to pursue their personal vision without limitation by achieving academic excellence and by becoming Imaginal Leaders. 

The foundation of our Graduate Profile is academic excellence. Historically, over 90% our high school graduates go on to the post-secondary program of their choice.


Imaginal Leaders

At Master’s, cultivating our students to be Imaginal Leaders, those who can see and create the future, is as important as preparing them for post-secondary education. For in a world of massive change and complexity, it is those with the Imaginal abilities of seeing and creating who will be truly Future Ready.


Students becoming Imaginal Leaders

Real leaders. Real stories.


Becoming Future Ready


Preparing Students for the World of Tomorrow

Just as in academic development, where the focus is on literacy and numeracy as foundational competencies, the following literacy domains are foundational for students becoming Imaginal Leaders and Future Ready.


Literacy where it counts

Just as in academic development, where the focus is on literacy and numeracy as foundational competencies, the following literacy domains are foundational for students becoming Imaginal Leaders and Future Ready.


Innovation Literacy

id Program (Imaginal Design) introduces students to the world of design and becoming Imaginal. Students will develop their abilities to innovate and invent by building their Innovation literacy through an intentional 6 year program, starting in Junior High.


Financial Literacy

Students develop financial literacy through various interactive experiences, such as the CashFlow game from Rich Dad Poor Dad. Financial literacy coupled with entrepreneurship are essential components of preparing students for their future.


Spiritual Literacy

Students explore some of the deep questions of life from a Biblical perspective, such as ‘why am I here? what is the purpose of my life? who am I? what am I called to do?’ In addition, students will learn how faith, hope and love are the driving forces for the Imaginal Leader. The Christian faith is presented to students in an integrated fashion in their courses and in school life, rather than through a scheduled class. Special assemblies, spiritual life weeks, and missions opportunities are also given to students.


Sr. High Programming

In addition to offering a strong academic program, Master’s Sr. High programming places a focus on students developing the future ready skills to become Imaginal Leaders.

In addition to offering a strong academic program, Master’s Sr. High programming places a focus on students developing the future ready skills to become Imaginal Leaders.


What our students are saying

“By having smaller class sizes and more attention from the teachers, I have a better understanding of my subjects when coming to the end of my courses, therefore more prepared for post-secondary.”

“I am being prepared through the personal development I receive. I now have the ability to adapt and confront challenges in real life.”

“The internship program lets me use my school learning out in the real world and gives me one idea of what to expect when I get outside of high school.”

“I love the chance to play on so many athletic teams.”

“We are encouraged to think of others and to find ways to serve. We have service days set aside and the big mission trips open our eyes to the world.”

“I’m being set up to be independent and encouraged to truly pursue what I am passionate about.”

“The community here is excellent. Being a smaller school has given me amazing opportunities to grow personally and develop my abilities and create close, valuable relationships, even with teachers, that I will value for the rest of my life.”

“Master’s Global Impact Team provides an amazing opportunity to get close to a team of friends and learn about how to serve others all over the world.”

“I get to have input and leadership through clubs and productions and I am always excited to see all of our hard work come to life.”

“I am engaged in a lot of extra-curricular and so I feel confident in applying for university. I know that universities are looking for well-rounded students.”

“I will have a lot of great things to put on my resumés and applications because of the opportunities given to me at Master’s.”

“This is a place where you can grow your understanding and relationship with God.”

Prospective Parent Information Night - Nov 26, 2024